Selling Your Parent’s Home? Avoid These Medicaid and Appraisal Pitfalls!

Worried that selling your parent’s home might jeopardize their Medicaid benefits? You’re not alone. Here’s how to navigate this tricky situation with confidence and care.

As adult children, managing the care of aging parents often involves making tough decisions, especially when it comes to their homes. One of the most complex areas is understanding how selling a parent’s home intersects with Medicaid eligibility.

Whether you’re a realtor assisting clients or a homeowner facing these challenges yourself, this guide will help demystify the process and provide practical insights.

Understanding Medicaid Eligibility and Asset Limits

The confusion surrounding Medicaid eligibility and home sales can leave families feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about their next steps.

Asset and Income Limits Medicaid has strict asset and income limits. Typically, a person’s primary residence is exempt from Medicaid’s asset calculations as long as the individual or their spouse lives there.

However, once the individual enters a nursing home permanently, the home may no longer be exempt.

Exemptions and the Home

    • Exempt While Living in the Home: If the individual or their spouse is living in the home, it’s usually considered an exempt asset.
    • Intent to Return Home: If the individual in the nursing home declares an intent to return home, the home might still be considered exempt.
    • Community Spouse: If a spouse continues to live in the home, it remains exempt.

Medicaid Estate Recovery

Imagine facing the loss of your family home to Medicaid estate recovery after spending years caring for a loved one.

Medicaid has the right to recover costs from the estate of the deceased Medicaid beneficiary, known as Medicaid Estate Recovery. If the home is sold after the individual’s death, Medicaid can place a lien on the home to recover the costs paid for the individual’s care.

Selling the Home Before or During Medicaid Application

Understanding the timing of selling the home is critical to maintaining Medicaid eligibility and avoiding costly penalties.

    • Before Applying for Medicaid: Selling the home before applying for Medicaid might disqualify the individual from Medicaid for a period due to the asset transfer. Medicaid has a look-back period (typically five years) to prevent asset transfers meant to qualify for Medicaid.
    • During Medicaid Application: If the home is sold while the individual is receiving Medicaid, the proceeds from the sale could affect their eligibility, as the funds from the sale might be considered an asset, pushing the individual above Medicaid’s asset limit.


Fair Market Value and Medicaid Compliance

Why Accurate Appraisal Matters The fair market value (FMV) of your parent’s home plays a crucial role in Medicaid. Medicaid requires an accurate appraisal to determine the value of assets.

An inaccurate appraisal—either overestimating or underestimating the home’s value—can lead to significant issues such as penalties or denial of benefits.

Example Scenario:

    • Appraised Value: $200,000
    • Best Offer Received: $175,000

In this scenario, Medicaid considers the appraised value of $200,000 when determining eligibility, even if the best offer received is only $175,000.

Implications of Appraised Value on Medicaid Eligibility

    • Overestimating: If the home’s value is overestimated, it may appear that your parent has more assets, potentially disqualifying them from Medicaid or delaying eligibility.
    • Underestimating: Underestimating the value can be seen as an attempt to reduce countable assets, which Medicaid might scrutinize, potentially leading to penalties.


Navigating the Medicaid Look-Back Period

Understanding the look-back period can save your family from unexpected penalties and ensure your loved one’s Medicaid eligibility.

Medicaid has a five-year look-back period to prevent asset transfers meant to qualify for Medicaid. If the home is sold for less than its appraised value within this period, the difference might be considered a gift, resulting in penalties.

Example: If the home is appraised at $200,000 but sold for $175,000, Medicaid may view the $25,000 difference as a gift, imposing a penalty period.


Practical Steps for Adult Children and Homeowners

    • Get an Accurate Appraisal: Ensure the appraisal reflects the true FMV of the property to avoid complications.
    • Document Everything: If the home sells for less than the appraised value, document the reasons thoroughly to provide to Medicaid if needed.
    • Consult Professionals: Work with Medicaid planners or elder law attorneys to navigate the sale and its implications for Medicaid eligibility.


Navigating the complexities of home sales and Medicaid can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone. With the right information and careful planning, you can protect your parent’s benefits and make decisions that support their care and well-being.

As realtors and homeowners, staying informed about these processes not only helps in compliance with Medicaid regulations but also ensures the best outcomes for your loved ones.

Sharpen Your Real Estate Saw in Louisville: Tips for Pros

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, “sharpening your saw”—a principle popularized by Stephen Covey in his seminal work “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”—isn’t just a recommendation, it’s essential.

This habit of self-renewal and continuous improvement is critical in Louisville, where market dynamics shift as quickly as the seasons. Mastering the subtleties of property valuation and market trends can catapult your results from mediocre to stellar.

Whether you’re a seasoned real estate professional or a first-time homeowner, the insights we share here will empower you to not just participate, but excel in the market.

With technological advancements and economic shifts transforming the landscape at breakneck speed, the need to continuously “sharpen your saw” in the realm of real estate has never been more critical.

Dive into this article to discover actionable tips and expert insights that will not only keep you competitive but also turn you into a market sage in Louisville’s vibrant real estate scene.

For Homeowners: Master Your Market for Better Outcomes

Imagine discovering that your home in Louisville could sell for 20% more than you expected. That’s not just good luck; it’s the power of understanding key real estate principles like market areas, comparable sales, and equity.

Market Areas: Think of your market area in Kentucky as the neighborhood where you live, work, and play. It’s the circle around your home that includes the places you frequent. By understanding the dynamics of your market area, you can better gauge your home’s worth in relation to the local happenings.

Comparable Sales (Comps): Comps are like your home’s competitors in the market race. They help set the stage for pricing your home accurately—ensuring you don’t overprice and linger on the market, or underprice and miss out on potential gains.

For instance, if homes with updated kitchens in your area are fetching a premium, that might inspire some strategic home improvements on your part.

Equity: Knowing your home’s equity, which is the difference between its market value and any mortgage balance, could influence significant financial decisions. It’s especially useful if local property values in Louisville are rising, suggesting a good time to tap into that equity for home improvements.

Below is an engaging and educational quiz titled “How Well Do You Know Your Real Estate Terms?” aims to test the homeowner’s knowledge on critical real estate concepts.

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For Agents: Elevate Your Services with Advanced Tools and Techniques

Being a real estate agent in Louisville’s market means staying ahead of the curve. It’s not just about selling homes; it’s about providing exceptional service that distinguishes you from the competition. Here’s how you can elevate your practice:

Refined Comparative Market Analyses (CMAs): As an agent, your ability to conduct precise and insightful CMAs is crucial. This isn’t just about gathering data; it’s about deeply analyzing it to understand subtle market shifts and nuances.

By continuously refining your approach to CMAs, you ensure that your valuations reflect the most current market conditions in Louisville, giving your clients confidence in your pricing strategies.

Adherence to Standards: Ensuring property measurements comply with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards is not just about accuracy; it’s about trust. When clients know they can rely on your measurements, you build a foundation of credibility that is invaluable in this industry.


Enhancing Data Analysis to Serve You Better

As a real estate appraiser, to further support both homeowners and agents, I’ve advanced my expertise in data analysis through the use of R programming.

This powerful statistical tool allows me to handle, analyze, and visualize extensive datasets with precision—unveiling trends and patterns that inform more accurate market analyses and home appraisals.

Whether you’re determining the most accurate listing price or strategizing on property investments, my enhanced analytical capabilities ensure you receive the most reliable insights. This commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology in data analysis underpins the superior service I strive to provide all my clients.

Embracing AI to Revolutionize Real Estate Transactions

The integration of AI tools into real estate is transforming the buying and selling experience for homeowners in Louisville.

By providing tailored insights and making processes smoother and more transparent, AI technologies help homeowners make informed decisions with increased confidence.

This advancement in technology ensures that each step of the real estate transaction is optimized for efficiency and clarity.

For agents, learning to utilize these advanced technologies can significantly boost your ability to manage more clients and properties simultaneously without compromising on the quality of service.

AI enables you to deliver more accurate property valuations, proactively anticipate market trends, and provide customized advice.  This positions you as tech-forward professionals in a digital-first market.

The adoption of AI in real estate transcends mere technological advancement—it’s about embracing a new standard of excellence and sparking innovation across the industry. This shift not only enhances how you operate but also elevates the overall client experience, making it more efficient and informed.

Continuously Sharpen Your Saw

This post marks the conclusion of our series where we’ve applied Stephen Covey’s seminal work, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” to the real estate industry, specifically focusing on how these principles can transform your practice in Louisville.

It’s the continuous pursuit of knowledge and skill enhancement that sets the true leaders apart from the crowd. Whether it involves deepening your understanding of the market, embracing cutting-edge technologies, or refining your data analysis skills, each step you take is crucial.

These advancements are not just about keeping up—they’re about setting new benchmarks in service and expertise. I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you for joining me on this insightful journey.

Let’s continue to engage with these innovative tools and concepts, commit to our professional growth, and confidently prepare to meet the future challenges of real estate head-on. Together, we will not only adapt but excel in this ever-evolving industry.

Louisville’s Win-Win Property Game: Are You Playing It Right?

Silhouetted figures of professionals stand confidently on top of large, bold letters spelling 'WIN' with the Louisville, KY city skyline in the background, symbolizing the strategic success and collaboration in real estate.

In the heart of Louisville, real estate embodies a simple truth: everyone can indeed win. As an appraiser and an optimist who always looks for the silver lining, I see the essence of ‘Win-Win’ deeply ingrained in the process of buying and selling properties.

Just think of the definition of market value—a probable price struck when buyers and sellers, each acting in their own best interest without pressure, reach a harmonious agreement. This is the epitome of ‘Win-Win’ in our world.

But let’s get practical—how does this philosophy translate into the nuts and bolts of property valuation and deciding how to list your home?

It all begins with facts. A quote that I love is as follows: True victory is not in the acquisition alone but in the integrity of the transaction. Misrepresentation benefits no one.

That’s why due diligence is a cornerstone. And for us real estate professionals, our role is crucial—we must anchor our valuations in reality, not fancy.  In this context, thinking ‘Win-Win’ is built on understanding the facts of our current real estate landscape in Louisville.

Let’s lay out these facts, not with complexity but with the clarity that empowers. With a clear view of how the market has fared in the first month of 2024, we pave the way for decisions that benefit all.

Active Listings: Climbing Towards More Opportunities

Bar chart depicting the rise in the number of active single-family residence listings in Louisville, KY, from the first to the fourth week of 2024. The chart shows an upward trend from 820 listings in week one to 1,163 in week four, suggesting an increasing inventory in the local real estate market. Data courtesy of

The bar graph illustrates an upward trend in the number of active listings from 820 in the first week to 1163 by the fourth week.

A growing inventory could be indicative of two trends: either sellers are entering the market to take advantage of favorable conditions, or it could suggest a slowdown where listings are staying on the market longer than in previous periods.

It’s important for agents and homeowners to watch this trend closely, as a high inventory level could lead to a more competitive market for sellers, possibly affecting prices and selling strategies.

Cumulative Sales: Assessing the Market’s Lift-Off

A line graph showing the cumulative weekly sales of single-family residences in Louisville, KY, for the first four weeks of 2024. The sales numbers start at 62 in week one and climb steadily to 332 by week four, indicating a growing real estate market activity as the year begins. Data is sourced from

The “Cumulative Weekly Sales – 2024” graph for Louisville, KY, depicts an upward trend in property sales over the first month, with sales rising from 62 to 332. While at first glance this seems to indicate a thriving market, we have to be careful.

The trend does not necessarily signify robust growth without a benchmark. Seasonal influences also play a crucial role in real estate activity. So, it’s important to question whether this early-year sales uptick means.

Time will tell but for the sake of home buyers, realtors and appraisers, we hope it’s a sign of greater sales volume than last year.

In this context, a Win-Win scenario materializes when everyone leverages this data coupled with the information about active listings to make decisions that reflect both the present moment and the potential of the market’s future.

MLS Areas: Decoding the Sales Price Variance

Bar chart indicating the median sold prices for single-family residences across different areas in Louisville, KY, for 2024. The chart shows varied median sold prices, with some areas reaching above $400,000 while others are closer to $200,000, reflecting the diverse real estate values within the city. Data is courtesy of

The graph showcasing the “Median Sold Price by Area – 2024” in Louisville, KY, for single-family residences reveals varied median prices across nine different areas.

This variance highlights the diverse nature of the housing market within the city, suggesting that certain areas are more in demand or possess attributes that command higher prices—factors such as school districts, proximity to amenities, and neighborhood desirability might be influencing these figures.

Notably, Area 8 stands out with a median price significantly higher than the others, which could indicate a premium neighborhood or area with larger or more luxurious homes. Conversely, Areas 1 exhibits a notably lower median sold price, which could reflect a variety of factors such as older homes, or more modest housing options.

Interesting Fact:  Area 1 had the second highest amount of sales volume for the first four weeks of January 2024 with 47 sales. I personally have done more Louisville appraisals in this part of town in the past 30 days.  Area 8 came in at #5 with 35 sales. It’s funny how the winner changes when we change the lens that we look through.

Weekly Sales: Unpacking the Market’s Pulse

Bar chart showing the number of single-family residence sales per week in Louisville, KY, during the first four weeks of 2024. The sales start at 62 in the first week, rise to 115 in the second, then decrease to 93 in the third, and drop back to 62 in the fourth week. This visual data highlights the weekly variability in the local real estate market's sales activity. Information provided by

The “Weekly Sales Counts – 2024” graph for Louisville, KY, presents a roller coaster like  sales pattern within the first month of the year. We begin with 62 sales in week one, surge to 115 sales in the second week, then experience a decrease to 93 in week three, before returning to the starting point of 62 sales in week four.

This ebb and flow could reflect a number of underlying market dynamics. The initial rise in sales might indicate a wave of activity often seen at the beginning of a new year, as buyers and sellers enter the market with fresh goals.

Then, week three seems to whisper, “Let’s just slow down and think about this,” possibly due to buyer hesitancy or sellers holding out for better offers. By week four, we’re back to where we started, which could be a sign of market stabilization—or maybe it’s just taking a nap after the excitement of the year end – I think/hope it’s the latter!

The subsequent fall could suggest that this initial enthusiasm is tempered by external factors, such as economic news or interest rate adjustments, which may cause market participants to act more cautiously.

Overall, this data underscores the importance of monitoring weekly market movements closely, as they can provide early indications of shifts in buyer and seller behavior that could impact strategy and decision-making.

Valuations: Crafting a Win-Win Strategy

When it comes to valuations, ‘Think Win-Win’ is about fairness and balance. For realtors and clients in Louisville, here’s how you can put this into practice:

Stay Informed and Educate: The real estate market is dynamic, and being well-informed is key.  An educated homeowner is more likely to price their home accurately, and an educated buyer can make a fair offer.

Regular Market Analysis: Keep an eye on how homes are priced in different areas. Realtors should provide homeowners with a regular analysis of how the market is moving, not just in terms of price but also in how long homes stay on the market.

Set Realistic Expectations: Help clients set realistic expectations based on market data. If the market is indicating a decrease in demand, homeowners should be prepared for potentially longer selling times.

Listen and Adapt: A Win-Win situation comes from understanding what the other party values. Listen to buyers and sellers carefully and adapt your strategy to align with their goals.

Prepare for Different Scenarios: The market can shift unexpectedly. Have a plan for different scenarios, whether it’s a sudden uptick in interest rates or a change in buyer sentiment.


In the Louisville market, adopting a ‘Think Win-Win’ approach in real estate isn’t just idealistic, it’s practical. It’s about creating transactions where buyers and sellers walk away satisfied, where the value is fair, and where the community thrives on the integrity of its dealings.

I invite you to reflect on this philosophy and how it has shaped your experiences in real estate. Have you encountered situations where the Win-Win approach turned a negotiation around or created a surprising opportunity? Share your stories and insights. Let’s continue the conversation and learn from each other, so we can all reap the rewards of a market that works for everyone.

Real Estate Success in 2024: Begin with the End in Mind

Imagine uncovering a secret blueprint that could transform your approach to real estate. This blueprint merges Stephen Covey’s timeless wisdom from “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” with the dynamic realm of real estate transactions. The focus here is on the second habit, “Begin with the End in Mind,” a principle I believe is key to navigating the ever-evolving real estate market.

In the following sections, we’ll explore recent Louisville, KY real estate trends and uncover often-overlooked insights.

As we do, we can apply the ‘Begin With the End in Mind’ approach to our 2024 Real Estate Strategy. This isn’t just about goal setting—it’s about using market analytics to guide our decisions in real estate.

Let’s dive into how this forward-thinking principle can sharpen our competitive edge.

Q1 Insights: Setting the Stage for Annual Market TrendsBar chart displaying the quarterly median sale prices for single-family homes in Jefferson County, KY from 2021 to 2023. Each year is color-coded, with consistent growth in median prices over the quarters. The first quarter starts at $214,900 in 2021 and rises to $240,000 in 2023. The chart shows seasonal and annual trends, with peaks typically in the second and third quarters each year. This visual data, excluding condo sales, is a valuable indicator of the local housing market's health and trajectory, sourced from


Let’s examine the market trends reflected in the quarterly median sale prices from 2021 to 2023 in Louisville, KY. Despite a reduction in the number of homes sold, which isn’t shown on this graph, there’s a clear upward trend in the prices that buyers have been willing to pay.

Starting each year with a glance at Q1, we can observe that 2023 opened with home prices that were higher than at the beginning of 2022, which also had surpassed 2021’s figures. This consistent rise in initial prices year over year is a positive indicator of growing market strength.

However, looking at the year’s end, we notice a slight deviation from this trend. While the closing prices of 2022 improved upon 2021, the same cannot be said for the transition from 2022 to 2023.

Although the prices didn’t climb higher at the end of 2023, they didn’t fall either, maintaining the gains from earlier in the year. This stability, rather than a decline, suggests that the market is holding its value well, which is reassuring for both current and prospective homeowners.

The Closing Quarter: Reflecting on Market Resilience

Bar chart showing the median sale prices for single-family homes in Jefferson County, KY, comparing Q1 and Q4 from 2021 to 2023. Each year shows an increase in median prices from the first to the fourth quarter, indicating potential seasonal growth or a general rise in property values. For example, in 2021 Q1 median sale price was $214,900, rising to $239,450 in Q4, while in 2023 Q1 started at $240,000 and Q4 reached $250,000. Data is sourced from

Consistency is key in the real estate market, and the trends in Jefferson County, KY, reaffirm this saying. If we take a closer look at how property prices have behaved at the start and end of each year from 2021 to 2023, we find an encouraging pattern.

Despite the expected seasonal dip towards the end of the year, the big picture is one of growth. Specifically, the comparison between Q1 and Q4 within the same year shows us that regardless of the short-term fluctuations, the overall value of homes has been on an upward trajectory.

For instance, in Louisville, KY as a whole, the opening quarter’s median sale prices have consistently been lower than those at the year’s close. This tells us that homeowners who hold onto their properties throughout the year could see a natural increase in their homes’ market value.

It’s a reassuring sign for long-term investors and a helpful metric for potential sellers planning the right time to enter the market. This trend highlights the resilience of the local real estate market.

It also demonstrates that even with the anticipated year-end slowdown, property values in Louisville, have maintained a positive momentum.

New Year’s Market Outlook: Beyond the Initial Dip
Bar chart showing the quarterly median sales price comparison for Q4 of one year to Q1 of the following year in Jefferson County, KY. The chart indicates a decrease from Q4 2021's median sales price of $239,450 to Q1 2022's $230,301, followed by an increase to $240,000 in Q1 2023. This trend suggests a seasonal variation in median sale prices for single-family homes. Data sourced from


As we turn the calendar page each year, we see a recurring theme in the housing market. The beginning of the year often starts with a modest reset in home prices from their previous year-end highs.

This dip, however, is just a small chapter in an overall success story, as the trend line since 2021 is pointing upwards. This pattern means that while home values might momentarily soften as the New Year chimes in, they generally pick up steam as the months roll by, pushing the market value higher as the year progresses.

This trend is crucial for both buyers and sellers to keep in mind. If you’re considering selling your home and you’ve recently seen a property similar to yours sell at a peak price, it’s important to temper expectations.

A home appraisal report may well contain a valuation adjustment in line with the current market phase, particularly if there’s been a recent cooling. It’s a reminder to always be attuned to the rhythm of the market and to set your strategies accordingly.

Why Pay Attention to These Trends?

In the spirit of Stephen Covey’s second habit, “Begin with the End in Mind,” we turned our focus to the critical importance of market trends in the real estate landscape.

It’s not just a matter of peering through the data; it’s about understanding the narrative behind the numbers. This is where the essence of strategic foresight in real estate comes to life.

Paying close attention to the highs and lows of the market allows us to navigate with precision and purpose, ensuring that each step taken is a deliberate stride towards our ultimate objectives.

Maximizing Returns:

Just as a captain charts a course by the stars, real estate market trends serve as our celestial guides, helping us navigate towards maximum profitability.

Recognizing the right time to list or purchase can make all the difference in the financial outcome of a real estate transaction. In Louisville, KY, for example, the upward trend in home prices, even amidst seasonal fluctuations, indicates a potential for sellers to maximize returns by timing the market judiciously.

Identifying Growth Opportunities:


By observing the shifts and preferences in the housing market, we identify not just current demands but forecast emerging trends that signal growth opportunities.


Understanding Market Shifts:

The real estate market is as dynamic as the seasons, changing in response to a multitude of economic and societal factors.

Having a keen eye on these changes allows us to predict and prepare for the natural cycles of the market. It’s about reading the signs and knowing when to act. This understanding empowers us to make informed decisions that resonate with confidence and clarity, much like the principles Covey advocates.


In conclusion, the philosophy of ‘Begin with the End in Mind’ encourages us to thoughtfully consider how our current actions will shape our future outcomes. It’s not merely about staying informed but about being strategically equipped to make decisions that align with our ultimate aspirations.

Whether we’re buying, selling, providing guidance, or appraising, the insights we glean from a diligent analysis of market trends are priceless. They lay down a framework for informed action, grounded in deep understanding, which empowers us to navigate the real estate landscape with both foresight and the flexibility to adapt to ever-changing conditions.

By Conrad Meertins Jr

January 2024 Louisville KY Insights – Boost Real Estate Proactivity


The Power of Proactivity in Real Estate

Have you ever watched a chess master at work? Each move is made not just for the present but for the unfolding game. If she is going to win, one key will be mastering the habit of proactivity.

It’s little wonder that this habit is the first one mentioned of Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Will Real Estate professionals need this quality for 2024?  Absolutely.

As Covey mentioned, exemplifying this habit means that we give ourselves space between stimulus and response and claim our control.   In this article I’ll be reviewing activity from the first week of January with the goal of helping you to be proactive in the real estate game.

Current Market Pulse: A Snapshot of Early January 1/1/24 – 1/7/24

Pie chart and table showing MLS activity for single-family homes in Louisville, KY, from January 1 to January 7, 2024. The majority, 88.6%, are active listings, with 4.4% pending, 2.8% closed, and 4.2% in other statuses. The total listings are 1,379. Data from FlexMLS and provided by

Is Our Market Bursting with Options?

As we stepped into January, we saw 1,222 homes for sale here in Louisville, KY. This could mean lots of choices for buyers.  But proactive real estate professionals know there’s a need to look a bit closer.

Only a small slice of homes are actually getting offers (4.4%) and even fewer are being sold (2.8%). Could some homes be priced too high? Or is something else making buyers hesitate?

Something we can’t get away from is the fact that interest rates are between 6.62% and 7.20% for most home loans (depending on where you shop)​​. Even though these rates have dipped a tiny bit, they’re still pretty high compared to the past, which could make buyers slow down and think twice as they contemplate that higher monthly payment.

Plus, let’s be real, moving when it’s cold and right after spending time off with family isn’t a fun idea for many people. That can definitely make for a slower market.

So what’s the real deal in Louisville, with our market (1222 active listings) in this chilly season?

We might have:

  • a vibrant market with lots of options for buyers.
  • a market that’s taking a breather with homes not selling as fast as expected. Or
  • overpriced listings.

To really understand what’s happening, we’re going to take a closer look at the homes that did sell during the first seven days of January 2024 and check out the Cumulative Days on Market of homes that are still active.

What Week 1 -January 2024 Sales Reveal

Pie chart representing the Cumulative Days on Market (CDOM) for 39 homes that closed in Louisville, KY, from January 1 to January 7, 2024. A significant portion, 56.4%, closed within 0-30 days, followed by 15.4% each for the 31-60 day and 61-90 day ranges, 10% closed in 91-120 days, and 2.6% took over 121 days. Data from FlexMLS website and provided by

Peering into the recent sales gives us a clearer picture of our winter market. In January’s first week, out of 1,222 homes up for grabs, 39 made it across the finish line. But how fast?

The pie chart lays it out: Over half of the homes sold (56.4%) in 30 days or less. This brisk movement indicates a segment of our market is priced just right—homes that buyers are snatching up quickly, likely because they hit that sweet spot of value and appeal.

Then there’s the 15.4% that closed in 31-60 days and another 15.4% in 61-90 days.

These homes took their time, but not too much time. It suggests a balanced approach—perhaps a minor price negotiation here or a little patience there paid off.

The smaller slices—10% selling in 91-120 days and a sliver at 2.6% beyond 120 days—tell us some stories took longer to tell.

These could be homes where initial expectations needed adjusting, whether due to price, property quirks, or just finding the right buyer who sees a diamond where others didn’t.

While this data strengthens our understanding of the Louisville market timings, a deeper layer awaits our attention – the interplay between the final Sale Price and the Original List Price (SP/OLP). This ratio sheds light about the art of pricing accurately from the onset.

January Sales with a focus on Sold Price/List Price Ratios

A table detailing Cumulative Days on Market and Sold/List Ratios by Market Time for closed property listings in Louisville, KY, from January 1 to January 7, 2024. It shows 22 listings (56.41%) sold within 0-30 days with an average SP/LP of 99.36, and an average SP/OLP of 99.22, indicating strong market activity and pricing. The table also includes data for other time frames up to 121+ days with varying sold/list ratios. Information sourced from FlexMLS website and provided by

The Average Sold Price to Original List Price (SP/OLP) ratio tells us how the final sale price compares to the initial asking price.

0-30 Days: Homes in Louisville, KY that sold within a month almost met their asking price, with an SP/OLP of 99.22%, indicating they were likely priced right from the start.

31-60 Days: The drop to an SP/OLP of 94.92% for homes sold in one to two months hints at negotiations, perhaps due to ambitious initial pricing.

61-90 Days: A further dip in SP/OLP to 92.13% for sales in two to three months suggests either significant price drops or shifts in market trends.

Armed with stats like these you can advise clients on pricing their homes to sell within a desired timeframe, considering market dynamics.

But what about homes that are still on the market? How long have they been sitting, and what does their waiting time tell us?

To answer that question, let’s pivot to a Cumulative DOM analysis for active listings.  In doing so, we’ll uncover another layer of the market’s story.

Average and Median Days on Market – for Homes that Have Not Sold

Table of CDOM Analysis for 1,222 active real estate listings as of January 7, 2024, showing the number of listings per area, with minimum, maximum, average, and median days on market. The longest time on market is 2,679 days in area 6, with other areas varying significantly. This data can help understand different market velocities and inform pricing and selling strategies. Source: FlexMLS website, courtesy of

Line graph showing the average and median Cumulative Days on Market (CDOM) for active real estate listings by area as of January 7, 2024, excluding outliers. The average CDOM is indicated by a red line and the median CDOM by a blue line, highlighting the differences and trends in market time across various areas. The graph indicates some areas with higher average CDOM, suggesting a slower sale process in those regions. Data provided by FlexMLS website and

The canvas of our January market, with 1,222 active listings, is rich with detail when viewed through the lens of CDOM.  The average CDOM across all MLS Areas is currently between 66 and 109 days.

The median CDOM, which ranges from 58 to 79 days across the areas, is a more balanced lens since the median is less affected by outliers. It indicates that over half of the homes have been listed for about two months or less.  This is a more typical timeframe in a balanced market.

These insights are crucial for managing expectations on both ends—sellers can gauge how long it might take to sell their home, and buyers can spot opportunities for negotiating better prices on listings that have been on the market longer.

As we wrap up our review of January’s first week, remember that these statistics do more than just inform—they enable you to lead in the marketplace with authority and foresight.

But in order for that to happen you have to continue to pause after your exposure to data like this. Think about how it relates to a current or upcoming listing, and then take the appropriate response that indicates purposeful control – That’s being proactive!

Next week, we’ll delve into the second of Covey’s habits, ‘Begin with the End in Mind’, to further refine our strategic approach to real estate success.

Have a great week.

Conrad Meertins Jr.